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Capricorn women with Taurus men experiences

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Make him laugh, have a happiness about you, be very understanding, this blows them away. When we part, he also said that he cant wait til the next time to see me.. Makes you wonder if it really exists.

We started dating our sophomore year of high school, and five years later, are now sophomores in college. Two Complementary People Come Together To Form The Perfect Match And Rise High In Life Taurus Man Capricorn Woman Relationship — Cons The Taurus man Capricorn woman relationship could become more like a business partnership if they are not careful because both have a tendency toward the all work no play attitude towards life.

Capricorn women with Taurus men experiences - Their romance is one of a kind with the stability of earth and softness of soil.

TAURUS MAN and CAPRICORN WOMAN COLLECTION File: TAU MAN COLLECTION Download: Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman Love Compatibility Source: The combination of Taurus and Capricorn is one of the easier and interesting one. Both Capricorn and Taurus share a basic appreciation for sensuality and earthy pleasures. A Taurus man is a person who knows how to embody the role of the secure, masculine caretaker by channeling his ability to persevere through difficult times. The majority of the time he is calm and composed individual with a very stable and practical approach. Although he places a lot of value on his material possessions and his financial security, he can also be extremely sentimental. He prefers the unwavering life that is not disturbed by many unexpected surprises, and if his lady love, relents the power of the home and house to him, she will be well taken care of. A Capricorn woman is practical, smart as a whip person who is able to focus on what is important to her and pursue it with an almost superhuman level of dedication. Instead, her first priority is not matters of the heart, so it can be quite a challenge to win her over. When a man does get her interest, it is important to her to be in some kind of significant position in his life. She can never be comfortable in an unimportant position in any relationship. A Capricorn woman embodies everything a Taurus man could hope or dream for in a strong, practical, and wise woman. While he may find himself desiring more of an open display of affection or sentiment, he soon comes to realize that her steadfast commitment to him over the long term is simply her way of showing her love. But at the same time she is pretty, warm and feminine enough to have exquisitely tender feeling for her dearest ones and once the Taurus man becomes one, he enjoys such undivided attention and devotion that makes him feel secure and even more peaceful. There is an enormous amount of respect and admiration between these two lovers and when they choose to form a family, they have the capability to build a strong home that has one of the firmest foundations. The Taurus man is extremely responsible and level-headed person. While Capricorn woman is very hard to win over, Taurus male is one of the few who has the true dedication required to genuinely capture her heart. Neither of the two is particularly flowery when it comes to verbal confessions of love, but he is definitely the more sentimental of the two and can bring out of softer side of his Capricorn female. He loves and protects her and at the same time respects her individuality, supporting her in all her endeavors. He never allows a minor tiff or issue get in the way of letting their relationship work and prizes his lady like rarest gem. They both prize stability and feel most content when they are working towards something greater, and they provide each other with a common goal that they both desire. Both of them love peace and stability and possess each other endearingly. In gardens of angels, basking in the sunshine of love these two enjoy their earthy passion and strong ways of loving. They both are dependable and have sureness in their togetherness with an aura that prevails around them forever. Taurus man understands how to be less stubborn and Capricorn woman learns to be more expressive. Though their love has less to do with flowery expression but still the meadows they walk are greener with pleasant fragrance of earth and shimmering colors from sky to bless them with forever happiness. Since both the Taurus man and Capricorn woman are earthy beings, their sexual relationship is more prominent than other zodiac signs. The physical aspect of lovemaking is the main focus for both of them. Neither of them requires the sweet, wooing whisperings that are associated with more emotional or romantic types. Instead, they allow their bodies to do the talking. His sensuality and erotic ability, stirs her deepest passion which is very intense and fulfilling. She dislikes games and knows exactly where she stands with him. In many situations, Capricorn woman can create a divide between sex and love as a defense mechanism to avoid getting hurt in a relationship. The one important issue that the relationship of Taurus man and Capricorn woman is bound to face is their difficulties discussing their emotions and knowing how to confront their issues on a verbal level. She can be even worse than him, as she has more pride in her independence while his stubbornness is one problem that she has to face. There is no doubt that they have the patience and perseverance to get through it, but sometimes communication can be a problem. Neither prefers to naturally display anger, fear and insecurity and decides to keep it all inside and but generally the Taurus man has to get in touch with his tender side to break down the barriers and establish a rapport that allows the two to speak more freely of their inner experiences. A Determined Love Affair Taurus man Capricorn woman compatibility is certainly boosted by their shared earth element. It also helps that both partners are responsible, mature and looking for a long term relationship — this is unlikely to be a fly by night affair. There is passion here, though, at least in the beginning. The Taurus man is a strongly sensual being, and the Capricorn woman, although slightly shy at first, also has strong earthy desires once she knows and trusts her lover. Taurus man Capricorn woman compatibility is nothing if not a private affair. Because both partners are committed to working hard and to attaining material success, this is likely to be a comfortably well off household, financially speaking. Sometimes, after a long while together, you could be forgiven for thinking that these two are colleagues rather than lovers. Taurus man Capricorn woman compatibility needs a lot of work to keep the magic alive, and to avoid the attraction drowning in shared responsibilities. For the Taurus man and Capricorn woman, compatibility can become almost a duty, when there are children involved. On the plus side, this couple have a shared sense of humor and many shared values. They do genuinely love one another, but neither is very good at expressing that. Where there is genuine love, however, he will go out of his way to support his Capricorn lady and she will understand and appreciate the sacrifices he makes for her. Taurus and Capricorn have a practical approach towards life. The ambitions and calmness of the Goat will attract the Bull, who will attract the former with his strong determination. This match fails to enjoy the zeal of life as they focus themselves towards the other aspects of life. The compatibility between these two zodiac signs is at the greatest height due to their mutual understanding, faith and consonance. Need more advise regarding your Capricorn partner? You are at the right place. Try our Love Ask A Question service to get an accurate answer to your question regarding this love match and get the guidance of the cosmos in your love pursuit. Compatibility of Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman The compatibility of this match makes it a good love match and hence they can fulfil their dreams. Their relationship will last long because of their intense passion and romantic nature. This is a perfect love match as they both share the qualities of being strong-willed and eager for success in life. They will help each other to keep focus on victory and achieve your most important goals. Compatibility of Taurus Woman and Capricorn Man Taurus woman and Capricorn man have the ever lasting love which makes their match the best pair on the compatibility chart. A Capricorn man finds his perfect soul mate in a Taurus woman. The seriousness of a Capricorn man is relaxed by the loving and trustworthy nature of his Taurus soul mate. If they do not bother about the minor differences this match can be called as the love match made in heaven. Love is walking on the same path with your partner and having a convergence of ideas and beliefs. Aid this process by being compatible with your partner. Avail our Kundali Matching service to have a partner with whom you have the maximum compatibility so that your love life is harmonious and heavenly. Potential pitfalls Taurus is still Taurus and Capricorn will be a Cap. Can it work between Capricorn Woman and Taurus Man? As sure a bet as they come. This is an extremely rare case of two people who shed many skins because of each other, and happily stay hand-in-hand till old age. What might lack zeal or adventure to other individuals is exactly the same thing that puts a smile on the face of Taurus and Capricorn. They like the know the details of a commitment before deciding to put their name to it. That is exactly what these two will do, if they should decide to take the next step with each other. Typically, there is no drawn out roller-coaster ride in the wooing process between Taurus male and his Capricorn desire. He knows not to waste her time, because he does not want his own interests taken lightly. In many ways, their reputation for being boring is unfair. This couple is willing to take a plunge into a lifelong commitment where others are still feeling their way step-by-step. This is because they already had all the romantic details figured out before they met each other. They will simply looking for the other person to walk into their life and fill the missing picture. When they finally start their settled romantic life, that is where the predictability ends. This is actually the same type of evolution that holds true to Taurus women who get involved with Capricorn men. It is a kind of reserve that Taurus may have learnt himself, from getting burnt in previous relationships. Now that he finds his own careful composed so well practiced and refined in his woman, he becomes the lover who implores his woman to share and unwind. Capricorn will duly indulge because she has found clarity in a relationship where the lifelong potential is clearly stated and made explicit without hesitation. Her sense of relief and the calm she can feel instilling itself into every part of her body makes her appreciate the company of her Taurus mate. People will be left in no doubt as to her commitment to him, even if the occasional differences do arise in the household from the emotional territory they have to conquer. Passion and electricity do not, at first, come naturally for either of these star signs. The gift they hold for each other is their ability to provoke it out of one another. It is done naturally, calmly and always with an open mind to circumnavigate any problems that may pop up on their front door. Taurus-Capricorn couples rarely ever split up and leave their nest on an even less frequent basis. They are already captivated and committed to the long-winding internal journey that they must travel within their own household. At a crucial time I met my Taurus soul mate. It was magical from the moment I laid eyes on him and he felt the same way. Sadly he was on holiday and left back home overseas. He called me up two weeks later and we've had a long distance relationship since then. Its one year later, we've met up again, are now both single and ready to start our life together. Ive never met a more confident yet humble, patient strong man who committed to me almost on meeting me, who brings out the best in me and told me that he wont always give me what I want, but will always give me what I need. Ive blossomed with this really great man and he has helped me reach my full potential. He is ALL Taurus, in his endurance, strength, patience, family oriented, trusting, loyal committed and a truly beautiful statuesque sexual being. Ive yet to discover what he finds in me, perhaps inner strength and a very similar value system. I cannot wait to spend my years with him. I agree with the Capricorn Taurus prediction for the long term. I do feel that no matter what problems my Taurus husband and I may encounter we will overcome them somehow as we are always willing to make an effort. This probably has to do with his sense of commitment and his steadiness and my loyalty to him and my goal to raise a family with him and ultimately our love for each other as lovers and best friends. I am indeed more pessimistic but like to think I am being realistic whereas he is more positive. Luckily he is 13 you. His patience also came in handy because during the course of our friendship, which later became a courtship, I may never have given many signs of my feelings for him as it takes me a long time to let someone in my heart. I am a all or nothing type of person and feel comfortable to give him all my love because I can rely on him and because I know he will deal with whatever problems we have as opposed to turn to someone else. I recently met this wonderful taurean man who is 12years my senior. Its crazy how he has the bubbliness of a 21year old and im the stiff oldie. Ive never been with a man this older than me, yet, as a cap I appreciate the security he brings, he opens the door for me, real romantic. Im more of the wife type of woman and he's the hardworking man that cant cook, clean, etc... Its still early days but I am really impressed by him and hope we can grow to be more. One thing that surprises me is that he is 33 and in no rush to get married, I admire that a lot, its important to have someone you feel is right for you. Hope all works out. I just moved from nyc to sf. With that said, I met a taurean man the first weekend I was in town and can't stop thinking of him. I wasn't physically attracted to him at first. I think about him a lot more than I'd like to! I feel a very strong pull towards him despite not being physically attracted to him at first. I'm scared to say this, as I'd hoped to stay single, but I'd like to explore where this goes... I just moved as well and was also hoping to stay single. My first night out in awhile with friends and I met my fellow taurean. He is actually 16 years older than me, and I'm not sure why I'm so interested in pursuing this. We have our first date on Saturday. He seems very much like a gentlemen and he seems like a protector, but before I get ahead of myself, I'm hoping that the date goes well. I immediately felt a strong attraction since the very first time I saw him, but we hadn't even shared a word yet. A month later, one of my friends introduced me to him in a bar, so I had the change to talk to him by then, I started seeing a Scorpio guy for like a week. We both seemed to be very interested in each other and planned to hang out sometime. Unfortunately, things went way too fast and we ended up staying together for that night. I felt so uncomfortable cause of this Scorpio guy, therefore I decided to not talk to this taurean man anymore. The Scorpio guy and I were so incompatible that it ended after a month of dating. After a couple of months, I ran into this taurean man again and started talking again. He's 11 years older than me, its the first time that I dated a man that age. Since then, we've been together for 4 months now and I feel that every time that Im with him is magical. I feel a strong connection with him and I really hope it works out. We are the best couple and I just wish we stay together forever! I have sooo much love for him. I know he loves me just as much and we have no problems at all. He is the bomb! I met with my Taurus love, who is just superb but I am a Capricorn woman, some day I tried to ensure my love in a wrong way and my love get upset very much. I am here for suggestion.. I met my taurean friend a few weeks ago, and we are both in relationship, he is married to a taurean woman good combination and I am engaged to an Arian Man very good and loving; and ever since me and my taurean met we haven't stopped talking to each other, we call and e-mail all the time, and I am afraid this thing might get us both into trouble. We have kissed once or twice and it was awesome, I don't know what to do about this please somebody help me. I am not planning on leaving my fiancée but this man makes me feel so good in more ways than one. I recently started to hang out with a taurean guy who is 7 years my junior, although he seems to be more mentally mature than his age. I can't tell the age difference between us and this has been good, not going as fast as I'd like it to be, slow but steady. I'm wondering if you folks have heard or experienced the same age difference as I am, with regard to the taurean man being younger. I kinda need help im 13 years old im a taurean my birthday is April 28 ok I love this Capricorn girl older than me by 3 years she is 16 I cant stop thinking about her I don't know if she loves me but like I need her very badly I don't want anything else than her I never felt this before in my life also please I need to ask a question? I still feel like he is my soulmate but 2 years later he has met a Gemini woman and they are together now. I was with a taurean man in high school. We broke up after 8 months, and got back together 2 yrs later out of high school. We were together for a little over 5 yrs and split up again long, boring story. Well, 2 days before Thanksgiving, a guy that I knew in Jr. High found me online, and there were instant sparks. He had been looking for me since I left the Jr. High we attended together, and says that I was the only girl he never forgot. It's only been a month, but, I can't seem to get enough of this man and he seems to feel the same way. And, to my surprise, he's a Taurus! Is the taurean man the ideal partner for the Capricorn woman? Also, recently, my best friend of 5 yes taurean female confessed that she was in love with me! So, is it the taurean that are drawn to the Capricorns, vice versa, or are we just drawn to each other equally? Ive also noticed that a lot of these stories involve a Capricorn woman with an older taurean man. Is it normal for Capricorn women to be attracted to older men? I ask because I am also attracted to older men most of the time. It's one of the first things mentioned in the article here on seducing Capricorns actually : I am 18 years old now. I met my best friend 5 years ago. He is a Taurus and since the beginning our relationship has just seemed so perfect yet effortless... We were in a relationship for a while. Sadly, we broke up because of certain circumstances. However, to this day, we seem to have a lot of love for each other. I haven't met another that I feel so in tune with! I am a Capricorn female who met a taurean on nye. I don't mind slow, but I need the steady. I think that if this can get off the ground, we will make a fabulous couple I love my Taurus man so damn much its crazy I never thought I could care about someone so much I just like to spoil him and take care of him I met him about 2 years ago and though we have are ups and downs we keep coming back to each other he is thee bestest!!!! I met with taurean guy two month ago, ever since we met there isn't a day we have not communicated either by mail or calling, he is married I am engaged, we talk about everything and anything. After spending 5 long, exhausting years with an Aquarius man, I left him and moved out on my own. I lived by myself for 6 months until moving in with my sister. I signed up for match. We finally met in person, and turns out he's a Taurus! If I made a list of all the things I would want in a mate, he has every single one of them. As Capricorn women, we are independent, cautious, and tend to be guarded and unaffectionate. My Taurus man is so sweet, genuine, and nurturing towards me that he makes showing him affectionate seem natural and effortless. I literally cannot keep my hands off of him. We have only been dating for about 4 weeks and I already feel as though I could spend the rest of my life with him. I feel lucky to have found a Taurean man : Well to answer the post that is two spots up, I am a cap woman and have also experienced dating a taurean man. We first met back in high school I was a freshman and he was a sophomore at the time. He had always had a crush on me even though I was in a relationship with someone else. It's just at that time I was still a virgin and had no physical attraction for him the Taurus. However, I started to appreciate his persistence and personality and we ended up dating my senior year. He was also very good in bed! But we ended up breaking things off months later because I no longer had patience for his stubborn nature. When I was 21, I had my beautiful son and 2 years later ended the relationship with my Virgo boyfriend. While dating the Virgo, my mother told me how she seen my Taurus ex. She had told him how I had a son now and she told me how he seemed disappointed. But a month after breaking up with my child's father, I called the Taurus he had the same cell number since high school! I had a feeling that he was still single mostly due to the fact that he is so stubborn, what female could surpass that challenge... I called him and I let him know I wanted to stop by his house when I got off work. I was so excited and I knew he was happy to hear from me and see me or else he would have never gave the ok for me to come visit. When I got to his house, it was like we left off from years ago, only difference is that it was all the good times we remembered. I could tell we had both matured with our attitudes, too. He never mentioned how he was disappointed that I had a son. I was a bit weary about having my son around another male at first, but it seemed as if Taurus wanted to meet him so I brought out all the fun toys and he actually hit it off pretty well with my son! I must say that I am head over hills about my taurean man. Though he is still stubborn, he makes up for it in all other areas. I love his voice, touch, kisses, and just everything. I agree with the other posts about wanting to spoil him. He is very hard working and we have no problem sharing our resources. I feel like we have been dating for years instead of a little over a month. He is so easy to talk to. I really feel caps and Taurus are soulmates!!! Best wishes to you Capricorn women who are in love with a Taurus man! I was a senior and she was a freshman. I even dated her cousin 4-5 yrs prior and never met her. I was completely in love but I was super possessive and insecure. I would've still been there probably. I met a Taurus man 5 weeks ago. I can stop thinking about him. I haven't had a feeling like this in twenty years. I have dated many other signs but nothing like this. He gives me feelings I like, no love. I feel like I have been quickened back to life. Is it too early to say how I feel? Hey, I'm a Capricorn female and I've known this Taurus male for about 4 years. We dated once for a short 2 months due to the fact that I was in 8th grade and he was a senior in high school. I am now a senior in high school and this Taurus male wants to date again but I'm iffy about it. I once dated a Sagittarius male and fell flat on my face when he cheated on me with my ex best friend and another girl. It broke my lil heart, blah blah blah. I want to date him again but I'm worried he's all game and talk. I don't know if he's over his ex and using me as the rebound girl. We've both done a lot of maturing and growing up. He seems like good boyfriend material but I don't want to be with him if it's not going to be worth it. What should I do? I'm engaged to Capricorn women about six months. Initially, I felt that she loved me too. But after I asked about her feelings with me, she replied that she did not love me, but she has loved another man before. I feel sick, but that's reality. How I can continue this bond if it is not constituted with love? If your Capricorn women, please explain to me! I can identify with the post on dating a younger Taurus man. I'm a Capricorn ,and I'm eight years older than he is, and to my surprise, the age doesn't seem to be a huge deal. He is very slow about the relationship. Usually, that would worry me too much, but he's leaving for overseas in two weeks, anyway. So I guess I can't blame him for not getting in too deep. I feel that he likes me, but I know we can really only be friends while he is away. Neither of us believes in long distance relationships. I guess I'm bummed because we get along so well together. We've only known each other for a about two months, but I feel a deep connection to him, somehow. He has the characteristics of someone I've always wanted. Despite the age difference and the long distance fast approaching, I don't want to let him go. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Who knows what the future will hold, huh? Cap woman with younger Taurus, how is it going so far? Any hope for me? I have been married 3 times to Taurean men, totaling 24 years , and had 2 other very serious relationships with Taureans, totaling 6. Still close with all of them. I, sometimes, can't live with them, but can't live without them either. I think it took all these years to finally grow mature enough for Taurus. I have been involved with another one, for the last 3 years, and will most likely be with him forever. He is 8 years older than I am, has lived an extraordinary life and definitely has had the best of everything. In other words, I hit the jackpot! They fulfilled many of my needs, yet there was always something missing. Capricorn women are fiercely formidable and I don't think there's another sign that handles us better than a Taurean, but we have to be able to somewhat submit and Cappy can't do that unless she feels he is strong enough to handle her and keep her safe. Letting our hearts flutter in another's hands does not come easily. It's tough for us to turn the control over to someone else. The lovely thing about Taurus men, if they are evolved , is that they're never disrespectful or condescending. They know if we are happy, they are happy! A little tidbit I heard years ago. If you line up 12 men of different signs and they all have to vie for one woman's heart. The Taurean will win. As far as this Cappy is concerned. Yep, he's my little guy!! I am a Capricorn woman.. Who has been I love with a Taurean guy for 3 yrs... After we met , I was so damned impressed with him.. I proposed to him first.. He declined for seriously some stupid reasons... I could only smile since I knew.. I moved on with an Aquarian guy.. But I always used to talk about this taurean guy... Then after nearly a year of ups and downs... I never saw that guy more than a frnd... My taurean guy isn't speaking with me anymore... But I just cant believe it... M crazy about him... I really just don't want anyone else... I have always loved u... I m nothing without u... PLZ COME BACK DARLIN... I am a Capricorn woman who has a Taurean friend who is fiercely loyal, devoted and stubborn but very slow in the romance area... We are both single and belong to the same church.... He told me he was betrayed when he was in his twenties by a Capricorn girl he was in love with.... Ive told him not to worry falling in love is a risk anyway. I think I am definitely in love and want to get closer to my Taurean friend.... But Just Recently He Got This Girl Another Taurus. They Are Now A Couple But Something Is Telling Meh There Not Going To Last because What They Mite Share Is Nothing Compared To How I Feel And He Shows Me when Were Together. And I know My Mom Is A Lil Upset Because Im About To Be 16 And He Will Be 19. That's Not That Bad Of An Age Difference Is It? Tell Me What You Guys Think? I'm a 17 year old female and my boyfriends a 21 year old Taurus male. I moved into his house about a month ago as friends and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. We've done road trips and fun stuff like that, he's introduced me to his family and I get to meet more family this week. We go to his moms and g-mas everyday! How do you tell when a Taurus male is serious about you? I really don't want to be used and cheated on again. I don't really know who is compatible with Capricorn women because we are so strong! To the Capricorn with a younger Taurean man: well, the story didn't work out so well for me but I thought I'd share with you. Shortly after my post, he left for a long trip oversea as well. We met up for one last time and he told me he decided to be with another girl, someone of his age. His reason was because we are 7 years apart, despite the attraction he felt towards me and how compatible we are. Long story short, I got over that, he was gone and have been back. My advice would be to live your life and just try remember it as a great thing that happened, no more no less. You were right in that you don't know what will happen in the future, but you can't hold onto to that hope. I'm trying to do the same now too, because recently, we got to hang out again in the same circle. I heard he is now single. And we've been experiencing the attraction again toward each other.. But the bottom line is.. I dated my first Taurus guy who is 24 it was the worst relationship I ever been in it wasnt the age difference it was him he was always accusing me of cheating but come to find out he was seeing this other chick while with me but see I figured that because when someone starts blaming you of things there out there doing it themselves and he tried calling himself controling me but I don't play that and he didn't like that and I had had enough of his mess and tryed breaking up with him lots of time but he wouldnt let me I guess he wanted to break up with me cause thats what he did talking about he had enough of me with my lying ass and by the next day he was with this chick whatever I didn't care who broke up first just as long as it was over and I wasnt hurt because I didn't do anything worng I was good to him and he wasnt satisfied I think all he wanted was sex but I wasnt going there because we was only together 2 in a half months,yeah, so he thouht I was missing with my ex cause I had sex with him and he was my first, who by the way is a Sagittarius cusp scorpio, best relationship I been in and was with my enter high school yrs but I don't mess around when im in a relationship, Apparently he does. I dated my first Taurus guy who is 24 it was the worst relationship I ever been in it wasnt the age difference it was him he was always accusing me of cheating but come to find out he was seeing this other chick while with me but see I figured that because when someone starts blaming you of things there out there doing it themselves and he tried calling himself controling me but I don't play that and he didn't like that and I had had enough of his mess and tryed breaking up with him lots of time but he wouldnt let me I guess he wanted to break up with me cause thats what he did talking about he had enough of me with my lying ass and by the next day he was with this chick whatever I didn't care who broke up first just as long as it was over and I wasnt hurt because I didn't do anything worng I was good to him and he wasnt satisfied I think all he wanted was sex but I wasnt going there because we was only together 2 in a half months,yeah, so he thouht I was missing with my ex cause I had sex with him and he was my first, who by the way is a Sagittarius cusp scorpio, best relationship I been in and was with my enter high school yrs but I don't mess around when im in a relationship, Apparently he does. I teach a group of 3 girls, two of whom are best friends. One of these, I'll just call her 'E', I felt attracted to from the moment I met her. As well as teaching her English twice a week for an hour and a half, I also work two mornings a week where she works. The thing is, she closed her fingers around mine and I felt like we were holding hands like a couple would. Another time, we were in the works kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil for coffee, I was leaning back against the worktop and she came and stood right next to me. It just seemed so natural being next to her. Anyway, for homework I asked them to look on the internet for their Star Sign and write about themselves. Only 'E' did this homework, the other two giving reasons why they couldn't! So I brought 'E' to the front and asked her to read hers, then asked for comments from the other two. I have never really thought about Star Signs before, although people tell me I must be stubborn because I'm a Taurean! Anyway, I decide to look on the internet to see if the content of 'E's homework was OK. Then I come across all these articles about the Taurean Man ME and Capricorn Woman HER. By the way, even before this homework you will have probably guessed that I wish I was working with her fulltime instead of just two mornings a week. When she heard I was moving home she asked if I was going back to England, I said 'No, would you rather I did? I was really intrigued by the Capricorn Woman being attracted to older men! I'm in a horrible situation, trapped in a 53 year old body, while hers is only 25................. I am a Capricorn woman in love with a Taurus man he repeats a pattern of being bossy and picking on little things,I then tell him I am not having it. Even if he drives me to tears he then will run away instead of discussing things. He is otherwise very loving giving devoted. How to overcome this trait. It has happened several times. I am Capricorn and have known my new Taurean boyfriend for not even 2 weeks. I already know this is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. What a PERFECT match!! For two years of break up with a Taurus man, I still hadn't moved on. And all the guys that come my way are all Gemini's.. Everytime, My relationship with a man ends, I always end up thinking how that Taurus man is really one in a million. I don't if he still loves me.. But I just know he's the one. Because we really are compatible. Circumstances just didn't click. But even after years, there's always a sign that I know we're meant to be. For example, people who are close to me, randomly they see him accidentally in a mall or in a place where no one would ever imagine they'd see him. Take note, people who are close to me. And that one time, I was gonna be with my friends to go to the mall, but I decided not to because I got lazy.. It always happen, but we two never get to see each other after the breakup. I am a Taurus man that has liked my friend's little sister since high school and I know she likes me, too. She is single, as well although I can't have a relationship for personal reasons at the moment. I even had a dream that I should hook up with her I;m pretty sure it was her in the dream. The only problems are that her brother who I'm not speaking to at the moment doesn't want us to hook up he should know no one would treat her better and his family is insane. It's pretty frustrating to know that this person that would be great with you is unattainable. Maybe I'll find another Capricorn woman some day. I don't know what to say accept that I'm head over hills in-love with a Taurus man. My situation however is quite different from all of the other post that I have read; my Tuarean is married and so am I! Yeh, I know that most of you want to say that we are disgusting, however - love has no time frame on it. I met my guy about 3 years ago at my workplace. All I have to say is when he entered into the building, I felt flutters in my stomache, I can relate to the Capricorn women who are serious about the younger Taurean. I was reading the article on the Capricorn who is 8 years older. I took a double take, sounded like I wrote your article. I am currently head over heels for a Taurean 10 yrs younger, age makes no difference to him, he is overseas now. He just got out of a bad relationship, and is really hesitant, about getting into another relationship right now, but the connection he feels to me is so strong. He does not know what to make of it. So, I am patience as you. He will be retired Military in 3 years and definitely worth it. We finally met each other in October and had an instant attraction to each other physically. Understand, we met online and talked to each other everyday 3 times a day for 3 weeks before he came home on leave. So, my advice is too be patience, but absolutely make sure you keep yourself in his mind. Make him laugh, have a happiness about you, be very understanding, this blows them away. He always mentions to me how patience I am and happy. Capricorns are cautious by nature, but steadfast and we never give up on something we feel strongly about. So, if you feel as I do that your taurean is worth pursuing don't let him slip away. I let my guy know I feel a strong connection to him and want to see if there is more. He just recently mentioned how patience I am. I told him I am very patience if I feel that there is something worth waiting for. I am a Capricorn woman who dated a Taurus guy for 3 months and a half. Our relationship was just PERFECT. I felt he was my soulmate! But unfortunately it didn't work out! Sadly, he chose to stop seeing me and chose his family over me. I just hope he realizes that he has made a mistake and comes back to me! I've known this Taurus guy every since I was 4 years old, I am still quite young though younger than you will expect me to me. However, we now live in different countries and I'm not sure if he ever had feelings for me even though he gave many hints, I don't know if I have feelings for him either, but if I didn't why am I here typing this? This Taurus guy at my school is such a flirt! I have always hated him, but my best days are those days when he annoys me. I'm a Capricorn gurl. Now I like him as a best friend. To tell ya, honestly, he is one of the wierdest people who I have ever met and my Aries best-friend has a crush on him. I never did expect the relationship to go anywhere after only knowing him two months before he left overseas. It hurt me, but I had to stop e-mailing back and forth with him. It was too hard for me knowing I might not see him again. We didn't write much anyway, only a few e-mails. I'm hoping he'll be stationed somewhere close to me next year, though. I can't stop thinking about him although I really need to. I told him to get in touch with me if he ends up being stationed close to home. I think he'll know that information soon. I'm very nervous and scared because I'd like to see him again. Anyway, I'm doing my best to get over it, but I'm not doing such a great job. It's been four months now. If he ends up being stationed somewhere far away for next year, I'll have to get over it anyway. While he was home I kept telling myself I'd be fine when he left. It's taking me too long. I guess I dismissed my feeli ngs for him when he was around because of our age difference. I figured I'd be over him by now. I'm hoping time will heal this. I haven't given up hope yet, though. It was a very intimate and intense relationship. And, to be honest, he was the love of my life. We broke up an emotional, horribly painful break up I went off and married, and then divorced after a 25 year marriage! My Tuarus man and I have re-united, and the relationship is amazing! We never lost the love between us, and now, in our middle years, it is intensly strong and, honestly, wonderful!! So, I have read that once a Cappy and Taurean truly fall in love that it is a bond that is almost impossible to break - and I am sitting here experiencing that very thing. I think the combination of traits in the two is an amazing and wonderful thing - especially when you get older and don't have all the noise from the world lived in by a younger person. I have known this man for 9years. He has flirted shown real interest in me. He came really After me this past x-mas. I'm currently getting out of a bad relationship. I normally get over break-ups alone. But this taurean I Met gots me going crazy. I'm so happy when I hear from him. I'm extremely drawn to him and cannot help my attraction. Been in a relationship before with a Taurus and it's just like they say We capricorn's and Taurus really hit it off well. I would say they are a match made in heaven. Cap Women, you are very loyal, if your Bull of a man is over seas of course you are going to struggle to get over him if you are trying. My advice is, stop trying. You will get over it when you are ready. I recently met a Taurus man who is 3 years younger than me, not a big age gap but my last partner of 5 years was 6 years older than me. He is so switched on and, well wonderful. I cannot stop thinking of him, my heart speeds up when I do. I am falling so fast, too fast. To the lady who asks if it is too early. Wait, don't scare him, if he tell you relax, tell him back. But also try not to be too closed off as you and I both can be. Taurus men are the best match for Capricorn women. I have a feeling I am on to the best thing yet and am very excited about it. I am a Capricorn woman,and my boyfriend is a Taurus guy... I am confuse I really do not know what to do about this guy.. I am trying to ignore him for a while and see how this work.. I am tiered of this Taurus guy.. I'm a Capricorn woman who is 15years older than my Taurus friend. We've known each other for 1 year as I used to teach him! The day before he left to go back to his country he asked me for a kiss. I was shocked but now I know that he had something special about him and I can't stop thinking about him now. Since that parting we e-mail each other every week as we have always been able to talk and felt comfortable in each others company. But now I my attraction for him is growing very strong and he's on my mind constantly, although I wish he wasn't as I have a fiance Virgo. Who do I choose they are both lovely people in their own ways but this attraction to the Taurean guy is something I haven't experienced before. Does age really matter and cultural differences in love? I'm a Capricorn woman who Is struggling with the fact that I am in fact falling in love with my Taurus friend. He is 11 years older than me, but we never make a big fuss out of our age difference. My Taurus friend and I are co-workers. Ironically we work at another place together but vaguely remembered each other, and we reconnected at our current job. We are always around each other. We are always talking to each other. He tells me when he's around me he's truly calm and happy and nothing seems to bother him. We both have kids around the same age and we always are doing things for our children together and we address our kids by their names instead of saying my son or his son. I just love everything about this man and even now thinking of him I realize I really love this man. I honestly can say that I believe that I have found my SOULMATE. My experience is more friendship than a love relationship. One of my closest guy friends is a Taurus and I'm a Capricorn. Sometimes it's so hard to open up to him because he's so secretive about everything and it's not like I'm an open-book either! I thought maybe if I open up a little maybe we would trust each other more... He's still the same. I think it maybe better if we stuck to jokes because it's difficult expressing anything because neither of us want to give anything away. Regardless, he's still an awesome friend! We started dating our sophomore year of high school, and five years later, are now sophomores in college. I feel very confident that we will get married and stay together because we have this mutual understanding of being in it for the long run. I have never believed in zodiac horoscopes Capricorns' natural skepticism, perhaps? He is my best friend in the world; I feel very secure in the fact that he will always be there for me. I met my Taurus man in high school Amazingly I kept in touch with him off and on throughout my adult life and its funny how we're back together its like we never left: I am separated from my husband and we are getting a divorce, he's a Cancer and we were horrible together. Anyways, about a month I met a Taurus online and met him shortly after we talked on the phone. From the first phone call I was knew I really liked him and after we met that was it.... He is so affectionate and so lyal and I tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me all the time. I am totally in love with him too but this still scares me because I have a difficult time opening myself up completely. I am trying really hard though because we are perfect together and we are awesome in bed..... I'm finding all of this information really helpful. He is about five or six years older than me; he engages me intellectually; he makes me laugh. I always walk away feeling impressed by what we discuss and how engaging he is. As it's only been a week, I have few expectations or worries. I think I have quite a few reasons to be relaxed about this budding interest. It sounds like even if we just remain friends, it will be an interesting and beneficial relationship. I also found a post above especially interesting--someone had mentioned being in an exhausting five-year relationship with an Aquarius. We finally called it quits about nine months ago--we still love and genuinely like each other, but it was always way too much work; I found that if I have to fight for every moment of happiness in a relationship, then I'm not truly enjoying that relationship. Comparable to this Taurean, the Aquarius and I always had awkward, silence filled phone calls. My last conversation with the Taurean went on for hours, and we covered every topic possible. I like that feeling. I especially enjoy knowing that this is a man who is showing me the respect of engaging my mind he only paid me one compliment about my physical attractiveness in three hours, and it meant more to me than if had spent that entire time waxing poetic about my physical attributes. I love the Aquarius, but I also jive more with the Taurus. I love my Taurus man we been togethor for soo long but now his friend is getting in or shit and now we are nottogerthor sooo live life and let life live I'm a Capricorn woman and my boo is a Taurus male. We are so perfect together. The love making the talks and the spending time with each other is awesome we are starting a family now and we are madly inlove and I know that will never change. Have you ever had your boyfriend or girlfriend wake you up just to say I love you its the most sweetest thing ever. I love my Taurus man dearly and I know he loves me too.. We been best friends for almost a yr now. We talk to each other about EVERYTHING he ask me for advice and I do the same. We hang out all the time, never alone, always with other friends. As time goes by I am realizing how perfect he is I know him so well because we were friends for a while. Recently, we had intercourse and it was AMAZING. This did not mess up our friendship , we are still close. But it was a mistake to have sex with him. Now I am getting these feelings for him, because he is everything I have ever wanted in a man and I can see a GREAT future with him. We are both 19 in college. He is all I can think about literally, I don't think I can ever be without him. Im afraid to tell him how I really feel because I do not want to mess up our friendship. Can someone please help me, I do not know what to do, and the feelings are getting stronger. Ive never felt like this before. And being me, I am starting to get jealous about the other women that he is dating and flirting with, but of course he doesn't know that lol. I am a 15 year old Capricorn January 13 and I am most definately loving my best guy friend who's a 15 year old Taurus May 10. He likes me and I like him. I think he and I would make the best couple since we both enjoy karate and playing the piano. EVERYONE always say that we look good together. He treats me like a lady and he's very respectful towards me, but... What should I do? I am 15 this year. A Taurus boy proposed to me in facebook. We know each other since secondary school. And he was soo talketive and humorous,plus loving and caring. He can be aggresive at times,but still he was really cute with his childish actions. He like me on the first time he saw me. Altough we both have our fights and quarrels,but still we hang on,and it gets better. I dnt want to say anything about mine... I AM A Capricorn WOMEN.. I first seen my Taurus Man around 2005 I was at my aunts house chillin wit my cousin Male Capricorn When I saw this guy walkin.. I was so nervous.. I could only say hi. I never seen him again.. He was the LARGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE... I had a son.. The winter I had my son.. Ceez is a cousin of mine.. I just put him in his place.. Anyway they gt there... They were around the whole winter.. I became close to my annoying cousin.. Left my sons father finally.. Fast forward,, I bagged him... He was everything I Never experienced... We were the perfect match. Since he met me he'd written dozens or even two dozen songs of his love for me... I didn't even try with him.. A year and six mos... The sweetest guy I know.. My cousin from marriage was hatin on how seriously my Taurus took our relationship. And he made it hard for him to trust me.. But I always loved him.. I couldn't even date cause nobody made me feel the way he did. I knoo long passage... LOL Two months apart.. May I found out I was pregnant and we are having a baby girl.. And all the Hate in the world cnt break True Loves Strength... I always said I only wanted a boy.. I said I never wanted a girl but if I do have one.. I wanted him to be the father... I never want to get married but heyy.. HE IS THE GUY I SAID I WANTED WWY BACK IN 05' I didn't FIGURE THAT OUT UNTIL WE WAS IN A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP.. I feel like this is it... My Taurus Man is all I could ever need... KEEP HOPE ALIVE Capricorn WOMEN and Taurus MEN ARE GODS RECIPE FOR A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN.. Yes you are crazy only being seperated a month and already dating. Here's you first clue you said your husband and you are horrible together? I dated three Taurus men in the past. All were great in the first satges of dating and all were broke, cheater's and huge liars. They all wanted a woman to support them. I met my 1st ever Taurus last week. Maybe it was fate because I swirved lanes of traffic to stop at this store I pass by on the regular. Ruler of the sign- Saturn makes her mature in her disposition. Materialistic, refined and elegant are the qualities you possess. You are misunderstood by your shyness. This makes your disposition uninviting to men. Your seriousness and ambitious attitude makes you difficult to understand the feelings and emotions of others sometimes. However, that does not make you selfish. You know how to control your desires so that you are able to lead your life in organized manner. Self-made man — one, who climbs the ladder of success soon by himself, easily impresses you. Apart being from serious minded you are excellent to throw party and entertain your guest, as you are a good host also. You just flow with appreciation and flattery. Sweet words and flattery melts you down. Social life is much important to you. Dignity, self-respect, reputation and rank in society matters you most in the life — above anything in the world- even love. Love is not just a passing time for you. You take love and feelings seriously. When you love someone then it is from the depth of your heart even though you are shy or weak in exhibiting your love. Your love is so serious and deep-rooted that you embrace loneliness and depression when betrayed by your lover. Happiness in love is vital for you. You observe your man and even recognize his foot taps from the distance. Being high on discipline, you have a very practical, almost skillful, approach to love; but will been all-feminine once you have carefully decided to get into a relationship. When you both are together: Both are earthy signs but Taurus is fixed whereas Capricorn is movable. Belonging to the same element you both are harmonious to each other in many aspects. Certain aspects like the practicality of life, emotions or even admiration for each other you find each other understanding easily. It will be sure a smooth relationship as you both share common traits and vision to life. In the beginning itself you will realize that there is some potential in the relation that may last long. You feel comfortable with each other pouring your heart to each other. Taurean man treads faster than Capricorn woman as Capricorn is the sign of Saturn - the slow mover. Saturnine personality no doubt assesses, analyze and then takes any decision. Patient Taurean waits for her Capricorn woman to decide as he is sure of the outcome. You both seek stability and thus this match is well suitable for you both in terms of stability and security in a relationship. Sometimes, Taurus man may get upset by the lack of sentiments or cold behaviour of her Capricorn woman as she is a saturnine personality which gives cold disposition. Her lack of verbal expressions or sometimes becoming too much practical may worry or irritate the Bull. But that is not a much problem as Taurus man knows how to bring your emotions out and break the barrier. Suggestion: Sun of both is in trine position which makes an excellent pair for mutual compatibility. You both share similar tastes and perception and you are more than natural friends. Just Capricorn woman requires to open her heart soon to avoid impatience of her partner. It may make lose his temper and may hurt you. Instead, leave the room and discuss the problem when he is cool. Be patient and cool in your demeanor. So that you can make yourself heard and he may understand you. Finally: A smooth sailing! Because there is a secret, emotional need hidden within his heart that he craves more than anything. And in most cases, is not being met. Maybe one in a thousand women knows how to do this instinctively, and they usually rise to unbelievable levels of influence and fame. On the other hand, when you have this 1 simple secret... Because 99% of the time, there is only 1 thing you can say to a standoffish guy that will grab him by the heartstrings- And get his blood pumping at just the thought of you. Insert subject line here and link it to: Once you say this to him, or even send this simple phrase in a text message... It will flip his world upside down and you will suddenly find him chasing you- And even begging to be with you.

Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility In A Love Relationship [Man and Woman] [Lamarr Townsend]
Upbringing of a woman too is also important as well as her zodiac. In many ways, their reputation for being boring is unfair. He prefers the unwavering life that is not disturbed by many unexpected surprises, and if his social love, relents the power of the home and house to him, she will be well taken care of. I appreciate this explanation. So, I never really wanted him to be tied down to me. They will never be bored. The blossoms are fairer, the rainbows are more social and the stars are brighter for them. He said that he wants to know me for a very long time.

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